12 Popular Sites Built on WordPress

WordPress is the most popular CMS for building websites. Thousands of websites are built on it, and this attests for its huge popularity. Here are some of the most renowned sites built on WordPress: 

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The Next Web 

The Next Web is an online magazine that covers a variety of topics like science, technology, internet, and so on. It has a magazine layout on its home page. The feature stories are at the top, and these are followed by a section on the recent articles, recent posts by category and finally custom sections. It makes use of technologies like lazy loading, aggressive caching, CDN, and so on.


The Obama Foundation 

The Obama Foundation is a non-profit organisation. The website features large fonts, a collapsed navigation menu on the left, and so on. It uses Gotham SSM font for headings, and Maintree find for paragraphs. The design is simple and also has a satisfying user experience due to its use of multimedia, page templates, and social sharing options. 



Protest is a Netherlands based sportswear manufacturer. It uses WooCommerce, which is popular for building online stores. The homepage has a product image in the header, and the design for individual product pages is simple but highly engaging. 


Related:- Why use WordPress for your portfolio website?


BBC America 

BBC America is a popular American television network. The website for BBC has a blog-like design with a boxed layout. It has large featured images and dark skin on the homepage. Although the pictures are large, and there is plenty of multimedia content, the overall approach is modern and minimalist. 


Animal Logic 

Animal Logic is a leading creative digital studio. It has a video slider at the top of its homepage. This slider shows all their work featured in some of the best Hollywood movies. There are are also different sections that use CSS animations. 



Wired has an elegant design. Its use of black and white gives it a modern look. It has animated content blocks for different categories, and these appear in varying sizes and forms on the screen. It also has sidebars on the homepage and parallax slideshows for every page. The typography is beautiful and adds a unique touch to the minimalist page.


Facebook Newsroom 

The highest-rated social media platform in the world also uses WordPress for its newsroom, where it publishes all its latest news and announcements. The featured section is dedicated to the top stories, and a blog list layout features recent news and announcements. 



Nove is an advisory agency for businesses. The website design is unique with a full-screen video background, custom page templates and transparent menus. 



Reuters is a news agency site. It has a grid-like design and the posts are clean. The approach is professional, focusing primarily on content. This site is somewhat old-school with a distinct news site like appearance. 



TechCrunch is a site that features top technology news, startups and products on the internet. The design of the website is simple with large texts, and images and videos in a grid-like format. The grid displays posts and the latest posts appear at the top. 


Walt Disney Company 

Walt Disney has a clean page with a grid and a large featured image. The fonts and buttons are animated, and the pages have soothing pastel colours of all shades. The 'About' page is long with a full-size image and video separators. The approach is modern, and the site showcases many things at once. 


Evernote Blog  

Evernote Blog is a blog for the that has displays posts in a classic blog list style. The images it features are colourful and attractive. The platform is highly suitable for writers because of its content-first approach.


These were a few popular websites built on WordPress CMS platform. If you also want to build your new website or transfer your old website to WordPress platform than, you may hire WordPress developers at Global Employees. Global Employees is a pioneer in providing recruitment solutions(technical profiles) to it's clients from across the globe.